One of the most common knee injuries is anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) Sprain or tear.
After ACL ligament injury whether you require surgery or not it depends on several factors. For example –

  • What is the severity/Grade of ACL injury
  • Your life style / activity level
  • Damage to other structures of knee like articular cartilage, meniscus or other ligaments etc

Grade 1 & 2 ACL tear can be managed conservatively since it still able to hold the knee in stable position.

Grade 3 is also called complete ACL tear where ACL is no longer to hold knee in stable position.


Twisting injury while playing sports
Changing direction rapidly
Incorrect landing from a jump

You may hear a popping sound along with giving away of your knee.
Pain and swelling will be the initial symptoms, however if you ignored, the swelling and pain may go away but return to sports will not be possible and you risk causing further damage to cartilage and meniscus of your knee.


MRI is the investigation of choice.

Treatment of ACL injury will vary depending on patient’s individual needs.
A sports person or a person who wants to be active in sports will most likely require surgery to safe return to his/her lifestyle.
An individual with sedentary lifestyle may not require surgery.